Thursday, March 3, 2011


Just learned a new acronym that I thought I'd share with you. "PIGS" stands for Projects In Grocery Sacks. I thought I'd share my PIGS with you. I get bored easily distracted burned out sometimes and need to move to another project. My resolution this year is to get get my projects completed and not buy as much fabric until I do. Which is really really hard to do!

PIGS in a pin
I have some PIGS corraled in a pin under my cutting table. Here they are all nice and cozy. These projects are for a later date and are in various stages of progress.

PIGS hiding under my sewing table
Here are some piggies keeping warm under my sewing table. These piggies are on the top of my list to get done before Christmas.

Current Project
Here is the current piggy that I'm working on. Although I might have to put it up for a lil bit because the satin stitching along the applique is making me go crosseyed. Oye!

Now it's your turn. Show me what PIGS you have. Put a link to your PIGS post in my comments so I can see yours.

1 comment:

Mouster1 said...

Oh my goodness! I must have a minimum of 25 piggies, give or take a few. I'd show you some pics, but hubby is home today, and I definitely don't want him to know. Besides that I've got them hidden in different rooms cause I ran out of hiding spots. I'm with you and definitely trying to finish some quilts before buying any more fabric which is so so hard.